“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work” (NIV Bible)
“9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.” (NLT Bible)
All great leaders have been men who have mastered the art of mobilizing a team of men and women to accomplish a given task. It is therefore wise, to teach ourselves this great art of working with other people. Someone once wisely said that; “It is the immature leader who does not delegate his responsibilities.”
The Word of God in Exodus 18 clearly gives the great example of Moses and Jethro his father-in-law, who advised him to multiply himself by choosing leaders amongst the people to judge on his behalf.
God gives a man or woman a vision, but that visionary will need a team to accomplish the vision. It is therefore imperative for all of us vision bearers to realize the importance of sharing our dreams with others and as we do, the Lord will call people to stand alongside us to fulfill those God given dreams. Team members are as important as the man or woman through whom the vision originates.
· Moses had the elders (Ex 18:24-26)
· Elijah had Elisha (2kings 2: 13-15)
· King David had his great men. (2Sam 23:8-17)
· Jesus had the 3, the 12 and the 72. (Matt 10: 1-4); Mark 9:2,3, l4; Luke 10: 1,2)
· Paul had Barnabas, Timothy and Silas (Acts 13:12; 16:15; 1Tim 1: 1-5)
· The Apostles worked as a team (Acts 6: 1-4).
· The church in Antioch had a team ministry (Acts 13:1, 2)
Over the years, I have observed that most visionaries are very good with the overall big picture, but many times, they are very poor with the minute details of the day-to-day accomplishments of the dream. Many vision bearers are great leaders, great motivators but usually poor managers and poor administrators. Visionaries usually have a big heart but many times, they care very little about the specific details.
With all that in mind, to accomplish God’s purposes for our lives, we must learn to trust others to work with us. Focus on your strong areas and surrender your weak areas to those who are better than you.
Mr. Harvey Mackay an entrepreneur wrote this about delegation comments; in brackets are my additions:
· Don’t look for perfection ( You also are not perfect)
· Stop believing you’re the only one who can do the job properly.
· Focus on teaching skills. ( Become a people developer)
· Check on progress ( Supervise)
· Say thank you to the people who have accepted the responsibility ( We all need appreciation)