Yesterday I woke up and opened the curtains from my room to experience an amazing sight of extreme beauty. All the grass was seen no more, it was all white, the cars outside were all covered with snow and as the sun came up you could not imagine the reflection that came off the ground, the cars and the leaves.
Looking at this; I said in my heart, how can a person say there is no God?
But indeed we have such people.
“Godless fools say in their hearts, There is no God. They are corrupt. They do disgusting things. There is no one who does good things.” Psalms 14:1 NIV
I am currently in Colorado Springs attending 2 weeks of lectures for my Fuller Seminary masters’ program. Later on in class I told a friend, Nathan my amazement at the brightness of snow and he said: “wait until you see the “Garden of the Gods”, he later on drove me a few miles outside the city of Colorado Springs and truly I was I stunned at the wonders of God. Here are some of the pictures that I took. This is not the garden of the gods like they named this place, it is the Garden of our God!
As Nathan drove me around the amazing scenery and as we later on walked around, my spirit was lifted up in worship. No man can make such a place, no man can create the seasons of summer, fall, winter and spring. What so amazed me; of course being a man from Uganda, Africa just on the equator where our winter is always the day it rains, was to see the brightness of the sun and even feeling its warmth while walking in the very cold snow. Every time we were in the shade the cold was unbearable and every time we were exposed to the sun we felt warm. Wow! He is God and I will keep on worshipping him.
“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name throughout the earth! Your glory is sung above the heavens.
When I look at your heavens,
the creation of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have set in place—
what is a mortal that you remember him
or the Son of Man that you take care of him?
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name throughout the earth!” Psalms 8 NIV.