(The photos: 1.Leaders’ conference at Bethany village. 2. The setting sun over lake victoria. 3. Peter’s mom, Beatrice Kasirye(75yrs) with Isaac Joshua 1yr)
Sitting at home after a long and hectic season November began with a great conference for our leaders, this is an annual conference that brings together leaders in our fellowship, this time we had slightly over 250 of them at Bethany village camping site. The conference was a real retreat for the God’s servants where we waited on the Lord and heard from 4 leaders from North America led by pastor Dennis McNally from Castro Valley, CA. On November 19th I got another trip that took me back to Houston, San Antonio, and Austin,Tx. I was back home after 8 days and on Monday off to Masaka for a 3-day pastors’ conference. You can guess, that I am a bit tired. But I am happy seeing what the Lord has done in the ministry.
Family is good, with little Isaac Joshua busy running around the house, James and Lydia so happy that primary education is over, waiting to join secondary school next year. Little Joy is now excited that she is going primary 3, those in other countries you call it 3rd grade.
Irene is busy studying a course at Gaba Bible Institute, principles of public speaking.
Gaba church has continued to be a joy to all of us. We are currently studying spiritual gifts a very exciting time. We did some thing different today, we had 20 minutes of Q and A. I thing you can imagine what that did to the traditional believers and the excitement from the young believers.
Someone was asking me about the economy, i have to say that it is as bad as anywhere in the world. A liter of gasoline is 2950 shillings( $1.64), this the highest price we have witnessed in a long time. Prices for food have gone up more than twice and some places 3 times in the last few months.
On a positive side we are now entering our annual youth camping season. We are expecting more than 1200 young people this December.
I pray for a great December for all of you as you prepare for Christmas.